2019 possible Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas consultation

Leughaibh an duilleag seo sa Ghàidhlig

Thank you for your interest in the 2019 possible Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas consultation. The consultation is now closed.

Four possible Nature Conservation MPAs (pMPAs) are recommended for designation. 

This consultation, led by Marine Scotland and NatureScot, gathered views on the following questions: 

  • Do you support the designation of these possible Marine Protected Areas?
  • Do you agree that the scientific evidence presented justifies the case for the designation of each site?
  • Do you have any comments on the Conservation and Management Advice for each site?
  • Do you have any comments on the Business and Regulatory Impact Assessments for each site?
  • Do you have any comments on the Sustainability Appraisal, including the Environmental Report and the Socio-Economic Impact Assessment?

What documents should I read to answer these questions? 

To support the consultation process NatureScot produced a number of documents which are available for download on the individual site pages.  

  1. North-east Lewis
  2. Shiant East Bank
  3. Sea of the Hebrides
  4. Southern Trench

These documents include: 

  • a brief, illustrated site summary document 
  • a data confidence assessment (which sets out the scientific evidence)
  • a detailed assessment of the proposal against the MPA Selection Guidelines
  • a conservation and management advice document

Marine Scotland also produced several additional documents which are available for download and include: 

  • a Sustainability Appraisal of the network as a whole, combining environmental, social and economic impacts 
  • a set of Business and Regulatory Impact Assessments (BRIAs) 

NatureScot and Marine Scotland also produced answers to Frequently Asked Questions to help answer questions relating to the public consultation on the four pMPAs.

Find out more

Join us at one of our pMPA Consultation drop in sessions around the country.

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