Archived publications and documents

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Use the heading subjects below to find our archived publications and documents which may be archived either in the National Library for Scotland or in the NatureScot Web Archive

Our archived publications are available on the website of National Library of Scotland (NLS) under the following links:

  1. NLS - NatureScot publications with 'SNH Agency' as the filter 
  2. NLS - NatureScot publications with publications with 'SNH Agency. Information and library services' as the filter
  3. NLS - NatureScot collection

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  1. Bumblebees
  2. Midges
  3. Fungi
  4. Freshwater pearl mussels
  5. Red squirrels
  6. Great crested newts
  7. Water voles
  8. White-tailed sea eagles
  1. Scotland: The Creation of its Natural Landscape 
  2. Argyll and the Islands
  3. Arran and the Clyde Islands
  4. Ben Nevis and Glencoe 
  5. Cairngorms
  6. East Lothian and the Borders
  7. Edinburgh and West Lothian
  8. Fife and Tayside
  9. Glasgow and Ayrshire
  10. Glen Roy
  11. Loch Lomond to Stirling
  12. Moray and Caithness
  13. Mull and Iona
  14. Northeast Scotland
  15. Northwest Highlands
  16. Orkney and Shetland 
  17. Rum and the Small Isles
  18. Skye
  19. Southwest Scotland
  20. The Outer Hebrides (Gaelic edition: Innse Gall)

  1. Amphibians & reptiles
  2. Badgers
  3. Bumblebees
  4. Burnet moths
  5. Corncrakes
  6. Dolphins, whales and porpoises
  7. Fungi
  8. Lichens
  9. Mosses and liverworts
  10. Raptors
  11. Red kites
  12. Red squirrels
  13. River runners
  14. Scottish Wildcats
  15. Seals
  16. Stoneworts
  1. Boglands
  2. Coasts
  3. Firths
  4. Grasslands
  5. Kelp Forests
  6. Machair
  7. Mountains
  8. Sea lochs
  9. Soils
  10. Springs & flushes

  1. Clackmannanshire Disability Awareness Group
  2. GalGael Trust
  3. Broughty Ferry Environmental Project
  4. Blarbuie Woodland Enterprise
  5. Scottish Association for Mental Health
  6. Neilston Development Trust
  7. People and nature, learning through doing : action research programme. Summary and learning outcomes.
  1. Sporting enterprises
  2. Hill and upland farms
  3. Intensive cropping
  4. Intensive grassland 
  5. Croftland and common grazing

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