NatureScot Copyright

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NatureScot Copyright

Re-using NatureScot copyright material

You may use and re-use most of the information featured on this website free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence.

Any enquiries regarding the terms and conditions of this license should be sent to: [email protected]

Re-using third party material

Any material on this site which is identified as the copyright of a third party is not covered by NatureScot copyright. This the case with some photographs. Authorisation to reproduce third party material must be obtained from the copyright holders concerned.

Linking to

NatureScot encourages users to link to our website. You don't have to ask for permission to do this.

Images, photography and video

Images and photographs on this site, that belong to NatureScot, are subject to NatureScot copyright protection unless otherwise indicated. You may re-use NatureScot copyright images subject to the Open Government Licence that is linked above. 

For information on reproduction rights contact the NatureScot Image Library on Tel. 01738 444177

Further information

For further information on NatureScot copyright policy and licensing arrangements, see the National Archives guidance.

More information about the information we make accessible is available in our Publication Scheme , our Open Data Pages and in our commitment to Openness and Transparency.

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