Invereshie and Inshriach NNR - About the reserve

Invereshie and Inshriach is managed to provide a range of habitats for woodland and upland plants, birds and wildlife.




​Managing habitats and inspiring people

Invereshie and Inshriach National Nature Reserve (NNR) lies within Cairngorms National Park, 12 kilometres south of Aviemore on Speyside. The reserve nestles against the western flank of the Cairngorms plateau. It is set in a magnificent landscape where pinewood plantation merges into naturally regenerating Caledonian forest, through moorland and alpine heath.

The NNR is one of six NatureScot NNRs where repeat fixed point photography is being used to map changes to natural habitats.  This involves re-taking historical photos at the same location, and at the same time of year, which can reveal visual changes of the natural and cultural landscape over several years or decades. This story map illustrates the changes that have happened.

The reserve culminates in the peak of Sgòr Gaoith (1,118 metres). It is home to some of Scotland’s most iconic species.

Pinewood and mountain habitat

Our priority for managing the reserve is to enhance the natural sequence of habitats – from Caledonian forest through to mountain peaks. We aim to encourage a more diverse structure and varied ground flora in the pine forest.

In places where forest has been planted, this will involve restructuring. But, for large parts of the reserve, it will be achieved by reducing herbivore grazing to a sustainable level.

The reserve is not an isolated site, and we work in partnership with our neighbours on many aspects of management. We have a common aim – enhancing and reconnecting forests, uplands and species in the western Cairngorms. We work together through Cairngorms Connect – a landscape-scale partnership project.

Engaging people with nature

Invereshie and Inshriach is a low-key reserve for visitors. Most are hillwalkers attracted by the routes onto Sgòr Gaoith. We want those who come to enjoy being in a quiet and remote place, rich in wildlife.

We maintain a path through the forest and onto the hill ground, parking areas at the edge of the forest and some signposts. No other visitor facilities are provided.

Management planning

We plan our management carefully to make sure that the special qualities of the reserve thrive. In this way it will always give visitors an enjoyable experience and connect people with nature.

We produce 10-year management plans for our reserves.

  • The Management Plan – sets out our priorities and tasks for managing the reserve between 2018 and 2028.
  • The Reserve Story – an introduction to the natural heritage, historical interest, past management and designations which protect the reserve.

Protected areas

Invereshie and Inshriach NNR overlaps with several protected areas:

Find out more about these protected areas and their designated features by searching the map.

Find out more

Learn more about Scotland’s National Nature Reserves

Discover how protected areas safeguard our natural heritage.

Read about Cairngorms Connect – a partnership project with Forestry and Land Scotland, RSPB Scotland, NatureScot and Wildland. 

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