Planning and development: renewable energy

Our strategic approach to renewable energy guides development towards the locations and technologies best suited to Scotland’s nature and landscapes

Planning for Great Places webinar series

Guidance on bats and wind farm development

The guidance Bats and Onshore Wind Turbines: Survey, Assessment and Mitigation updates best practice information for developers and planners to ensure that onshore wind energy developments pose minimal risk to bats.  We will be gathering feedback on the application of the new guidance early in 2020, to review how well it is working.

Guidance on visual representation of wind farms

Our Visual Representation of Wind Farms guidance helps developers produce wind farm visualisations for Environmental Reports that are easy to understand and which can be verified.  All wind farm applications  requiring an environmental impact assessment should includes visualisations that comply with the standards set out in the guidance.  We have also published a set of training slides that we have used in visualisation training sessions for practitioners and planning authorities.

If you are proposing to deploy a renewable energy technology, please contact the appropriate NatureScot Office to discuss siting and design at the earliest opportunity.


Mike Shepherd

[email protected]

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