Scottish Government Nature Restoration Fund (NRF)

Nature Restoration Fund 

The Scottish Government's Nature Restoration Fund (NRF) is currently supporting more than 140 projects delivering exciting on the ground activity to protect and restore Scotland's biodiversity. Collectively these are worth nearly £40 million.  There has been a tremendous response across Scotland to harness the opportunities provided by the NRF. Our Nature Restoration Fund - supported projects page shows the range of projects supported across Scotland.

Reducing Entanglements project.
Click for a full description

The Reducing Entanglements project on Scotland's West Coast is exploring ways to prevent marine life from becoming entangled in creel gear.

We are currently accepting applications to NRF for development projects and for one year delivery projects from April 2025 (up to one year). NRF is not currently accepting delivery projects with capital spend in financial year 2024/25.

Further funding to support demand for delivery projects may become available and any updates will be posted on this page.

The Fund

The Scottish Government's Nature Restoration Fund (NRF) is a competitive fund, which specifically encourages applicants with projects that restore wildlife and habitats on land and sea and address the twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change. The NRF is a commitment in the current Programme for Government for multi-year funding as part of overall investment in the natural economy. The £65 million fund was announced on Nature Day at COP26 in 2021.

If you have any questions about the fund, please email [email protected] in the first instance.