Nature Heroes - Eddleston Water Project

Tweed Forum: Eddleston Water Project

The award-winning Tweed Forum has for 15 years led the restoration of the Eddleston River, a tributary of the River Tweed. The restoration work has provided natural flood protection for communities in Eddleston and Peebles and supported the restoration of biodiversity in and around the 69km2 river catchment. It has done this by restoring some of the natural features of the Eddleston catchment, including the re-meandering of sections, creation of flood water storage ponds and tree planting. This has improved habitats for wildlife and fisheries.

In February 2023, the project was chosen as a UNESCO Ecohydrology Demonstration Site, the only one in the UK. It has also been recognised at the recent CIEEM Awards winning best large scale conservation project and the Tony Bradshaw award for exceptional and standard setting projects.

Infographic highlighting projects successes
Tweed Forum - Eddleston Water Project Highlights
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A series of 6 graphical tiles which highlight the Tweed Forum's Eddleston Water Project

  1. The value to the economy of natural flood management could be as high as £17.7mn.
  2. The tweed Forum employs 14 staff.
  3. 29% reduction in high flow frequency in Peebles, 50% upstream.
  4. 330,000 trees planted
  5. Flood water storage ponds provide new habitats for mayfly, stonefly and caddisfly.
  6. Improved spawning for salmon.

A larger version of the 6 graphical tiles is available to download

The project is a partnership initiative led by Tweed Forum, with the Scottish Government, SEPA and University of Dundee. Other key partners include British Geological Survey, NatureScot, Scottish Borders Council, the Forestry Commission, NFU Scotland, the Tweed Foundation, Scottish Forestry, Forest Carbon and the Woodland Trust. Tweed Forum works closely with landowners and the local community so that everyone can contribute ideas and follow the project’s progress.

The Eddleston Restoration Project is funded by Scottish Government, and Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), EU Interreg Programme, Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund, several other organisations, and the sale of carbon credits.

Find out more on

Scotland's Biodiversity Strategy and the consultation

Tweed Forum Eddleston Water project

Scottish Government Nature Restoration Fund

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