Faclan Nàdair

Dictionary of Gaelic Nature Words

Airson sùil a thoirt air na faclan nàdair san stòr-dàta againn: tagh cuspair bhon chiad bhogsa, cliog sa bhogsa ghlas is brùth an iuchair 'enter' air do mheur-chlàr. Faodaidh tu coimhead air na faclan a rèir na h-aibidil ma thaghas tu bhon bhogsa sa mheadhan cuideachd.

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Select options for Scots Gaelic Dictionary
Faclan Nàdair
English Gaelic Alternative Plural Audio
kelp ceilp - ceilpean -
Kemp's Ridley turtle turtar Kemp's Ridley - turtaran Kemp's Ridley -
kestrel clamhan ruadh - clamhain ruadh, speireagan ruadh -
Killarney fern raineach Chill Airne - - -

Cill Fhìonain

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Cill Bheathain

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kingfisher biorra-crùidein - biorra-crùidein, iasgairean an rìgh, murlaichean -

Cinn a’ Ghaoilidh

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Ceann a’ Mhìlidh

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Cnoc Mhoire

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Baile na h-Eaglaise

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kittiwake seagair - seagairean, faireagan, ciodabhaigean, ruideagan -
knapweed cnapan dubh - cnapain dubha cnapan dubh.mp3

An Cnoc Bàn

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laburnum bealaidh Frangach - bealaidhean Frangach, bealaidhean Sasannach bealaidh-frangach.mp3
lady-fern raineach Moire - rainich Moire -
lady-fern raineach Moire chumanta - - -
ladybird daolag bhreac dhearg - daolagan breaca dearga, daolagan-breaca -

Càrn na Baintighearna

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Lag an Lìn

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