Faclan Nàdair

Dictionary of Gaelic Nature Words

Airson sùil a thoirt air na faclan nàdair san stòr-dàta againn: tagh cuspair bhon chiad bhogsa, cliog sa bhogsa ghlas is brùth an iuchair 'enter' air do mheur-chlàr. Faodaidh tu coimhead air na faclan a rèir na h-aibidil ma thaghas tu bhon bhogsa sa mheadhan cuideachd.

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Faclan Nàdair
English Gaelic Alternative Plural Audio
leathery sea squirt

spùtachan-mara leatharach

This name was established as part of our From The Bird's Mouth partnership project

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An Leth-allt

More info - Gaelic Place-Names of Inverness and Surrounding Area

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leech deala - dealachan, criodhairean deala.mp3
lemon-scented fern raineach an fhàile - - -


More info - Gaelic Place-Names of Inverness and Surrounding Area

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lesser black-backed gull farspag bheag - farspagan beaga, farspaichean beaga, sgaireagan farspag-bheag.mp3
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lesser spotted woodpecker snagan-daraich beag - - -
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An Leitir

More info - Gaelic Place-Names of Inverness and Surrounding Area

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lichen crotal - crotail crotal.mp3
light blue / light grey liath - - -
lily of the valley lili nan gleann - lilidhean nan gleann, lilidhean nan lòn lili nan gleann.mp3
limestone clach-aoil - - -
limestone oak fern raineach dharaich chloich-aoil - - -
limpet bàirneach - bàirnich bairneach.mp3
linnet gealan-lìn - gealanan-lìne gealan-lin.mp3
little auk colcach bheag - colcaichean beaga colcach-bheag.mp3
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